Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Lately I have been re-examining my motives behind the things I do. So over the course of the next few weeks, I will be posting what I learn about my motives and how they need to be changed to line up with what the Bible teaches. The first of these is simply my motive behind desiring my non-believing friends and family members to come to know Christ like I do.

Why do you desire others come to know Christ?

And I know the Sunday School answer: because it glorifies God.

But is that TRULY my motive? Do I just say that because I know its the right answer, but really have a different motive? Unfortunately, if I'm honest, the answer to that last question is a resounding yes. I've found myself in the past few months not seeking to see other accept Christ for the glory of God, but for the glory of Michael. I've found myself wanting others to think more highly of me because of me 'leading people to Christ'. And to put it simply, that being my motive is dead wrong.

And while my motive should not be my own glory and should be to bring Glory to God, my motive should also be for the sake of the people in my life who do not know Christ. I am currently reading Francis Chan's, "Erasing Hell". In that book Francis asks if we really believe in Hell as a real place and from that question it made me think about if I really do believe it, then why do I not act with more urgency with non-believers in my life. And if you are not a follower of Christ reading this and I have not taken time to share with you the love of Christ, I am truly sorry.

I am changing my motives away from selfish ones into a motive that is way more concerned about the eternal destiny of my loved ones than how highly people think of me.

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